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Synchronization mode

After the user starts synchronization (with mobile application), the device exposes the last reading and historical readings stored in memory so as the phone can forward it to the cloud. In addition, the next readout is planned (if battery has been replaced) and time is synchronized.

Quick facts

data set OBIS codes from the last readout and stored (details)
duration 🕑 from 20s up to several minutes
data retention ⏱ until memory overflow
max OBIS codes 🔢 all processed (details)
data security 🔒 encrypted (AES-128 protocol)
max range 📶 10 m
special features 💎 synchronization needed after replacing the battery

The list of synchronized OBIS codes can be found on this page.

Battery replacement

Synchronization is required after battery replacement. Until you do it, the device does not read new data from the meter.



After performing a readout the data is updated. The device shares the measurements as an answer to the specified data range and OBIS code. For example, if there are 1.8.0 and 2.8.0 OBIS codes missing on the cloud from the last week, all the readings of 1.8.0 are sent firstly, then 2.8.0.

The time of synchronization depends on the amount of data to be shared.

The memory overflow may happen after a few / several months depending on the number of stored OBIS codes (read the section below).

Beware the range of advertising is greater than the range of data communication in connection with the phone.

Estimated memory capacity

Let's retrace the time after which the memory of the device may overflow.

stored codes 1 2 4 8 16
lifetime [days] 760 - 1220 380 - 610 190 - 305 96 - 152 24 - 38
lifetime [months] 25 - 40 12 - 20 6 - 10 3 - 5 ok. 1

The above table reveals theoretical maximal time after which the device should be synchronized. The device contains 312 kB memory for readouts. The data needed for 1 OBIS code per day oscillate between 0.25 and 1 kB (it depends on the number of device restarts e.g. after battery replacement), 0.4 kB average. In real terms, the period of synchronizations should be much shorter in order to decrease the risk of random data loss.

Suggested synchronization period

We suggest you to synchronize the device at least 2x a month or enable the regular data forwarding to cloud without user attention.

What to do if the device is working longer time and I cannot synchronize the data?

Contact us. Mostly, the root cause is somewhere else. However, in extreme situation it may be needed to reinstall the device on the meter and merge data with the previous device instance on the cloud. It is caused by the limited capabilities of the device to work with the memory overflow - the new oldest cannot be overwritten (we diagnosed the issue in firmware 0.20.0 and older, working to provide a solution).

What to do to increase the capacity of the device or battery lifetime?

Currently we are strongly working on the new product. Its main features are a few times bigger memory for readouts, longer battery lifetime and improved communication between the phone and the device.

Follow us on our website in order to be up to date with the new changes.

Last update: 2024-09-03