Energiepreise steigen

02/10/2018 | Lesezeit: ~ 1 min. Energiepreise steigen

Energiepreise steigen… Was hat Ihre Firma getan, um die Energiekosten zu senken? Setzen Sie sich mit uns in Verbindung! In der Zwischenzeit legen wir eine kurze Darstellung der Preiserhöhungen des zugrunde liegenden Vertrags bei.


How to use OneMeter on iOS phones

How to use OneMeter on iOS phones


We are currently running beta tests of the OneMeter app for the iOS. The app is publicly available on TestFlight. Discover here how to join.

Promising energy-oriented startup is willing to expand thanks to 1 million  investment!

Promising energy-oriented startup is willing to expand thanks to 1 million investment!


OneMeter is a start-up in a growth phase. Our focus is the new technology and innovation in the field of energy usage and monitoring. This year, having tested our pilot and sales possibilities on Polish market, we have gained recognition in our industry.

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